Questions that need to be answered before signing contract
Published 10:00 pm Friday, July 24, 2015
To the Editor,
There are three basic questions our Board of Commissioners needs to be able to answer with reasonable certainty before completing and signing a water contract with the Inman-Campobello Water District. They are:
1. What is the dollar value of what Polk County is providing to ICWD under the contract (75 years of water availability, all revenues from the sale of water in Polk County unless Polk applies a water surcharge on those sales, etc.);
2. What is the dollar value of what ICWD is providing to Polk County under the contract? (For example, one-time dam repair to minimum standards, $100,000 per year of water line expansion (about 1/10 mile of pipeline per year at current costs), etc.; and
3. How will Polk County pay for management of Lake Adger, including initial and periodic dredging (currently estimated at about $5,000,000), erosion control, and the like?
Unless and until the commissioners can answer these questions to a reasonable degree of certainty, they have no business entering into any such contract with Inman-Campobello.
Renee McDermott, Tryon