‘Big Bang Boom!’ at Polk County Public Library, July 30
Published 10:25 pm Sunday, July 28, 2013
Professor Whizzpop performed his show “The Really Big Bookworm Dig” at both the Polk County Public Library and the Saluda Community Library on July 23.
The next children’s event for the Summer Reading Program will be Big Bang Boom! Everyone will dig this rockin’ three-piece power pop band, which consists of talented artists and long-time musicians Chuck Folds, Steve Willard and Eddie Walker. These dynamic dads play parent-friendly children’s music. See them perform at the Main Library in Columbus tomorrow, Tuesday, July 30 at 10:30 a.m. They will also play at the library in Saluda on Wednesday, July 31 at 10:30 a.m.
The last Summer Reading Program event for this year is the wrap-up party on Tuesday, Aug. 6. Come to Harmon Field at 11:30 a.m. for a picnic and playground fun. Please note that registration is required, so call or come by the library to sign up.
Aug. 2 is the last day to register for the Summer Reading Program. Children of all ages who sign up will receive a reading log and other goodies. Kids can then turn their reading logs in at the end of the summer to receive a prize. One lucky reader will also win the grand prize: a $50 gift certificate to The Book Shelf in Tryon.
For more information, check out our website at polklibrary.org/kids/2013-summer-reading-program/.
The library is also on Facebook (Polk County Public Library Children’s Department) and Twitter (@PolkCoLibKids).
If you have any questions, want to sign up for the monthly Children’s and Young Adults newsletter, or wish to register for the wrap-up party, contact Children’s Services Coordinator Jen Pace at 828-894-8721 ext. 227 or jpace@polklibrary.org.
– article submitted by Jen Pace