Stomp feelings of giving up

Published 10:39 am Friday, March 18, 2011

When trying to lose weight and get in shape, ever feel like giving up?

See if this sounds familiar.

You’re dieting and exercising. One moment you feel like you’re on top of your game. You feel great. You feel like you can do this forever.

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The next minute, you’re telling everyone who will listen how sick you are of dieting and exercising. Please don’t feel like you’re alone. I totally understand this feeling.

Think about it. After I’ve trained people all day long, do you think I say to myself, “Oh boy, now I get to work out”? It’s tough sometimes, but you still CAN do it. You can make real, positive changes to your body, even if you’ve failed a thousand times before.

One of my clients who drives all the way from Charlotte, said she had tried just about every diet and exercise program she had heard of, but she gave it one more try, and has lost 71 pounds so far.

There are a variety of reasons we sometimes feel like giving up.

One of the biggest, is we don’t see results fast enough. Remember, changing eating habits and starting an exercise program are lifestyle changes. These changes should be made slowly.

Some folks don’t stick to their program because they don’t think it’s fun. I explain it to clients this way. I doubt you wake up every morning, and say to yourself, “I can’t wait to get in there and brush my teeth, cause I’ve been looking forward to it all night long.”

No, of course not.

The reason you get in there to brush your teeth is that the alternative is much more painful.

View your exercise and diet program the same way… as just part of your daily routine.

Don’t give up and binge just because you’re not motivated at any particular moment. If you don’t feel like eating “clean” or going to the gym one day… don’t. You’re not going to destroy your whole program, just because you take a day off.

Also, don’t beat yourself up just because you fall off the wagon and eat poorly one day.

You can do no more harm to your diet by eating bad one day, than you can add benefit to your diet by eating good just one day. Another reason some people get frustrated when trying to stay healthy and get fit, is they don’t know how to put their exercise and nutrition programs together.

Get help from a professional trainer and nutritionist. They can not only help keep you motivated, but can guide you through all the nuances of diet and exercise programs.

Fitness or nutrition question? Email me at, or go to

David Crocker of Landrum has served as strength director of the Spartanburg Y.M.C.A., strength coach S.C. state champion girls gymnastic team, USC-Spartanburg baseball team, Converse college equestrian team, lead trainer L.H. Fields modeling agency, taught four semesters at USC-Union David was also a regular guest of the Pam Stone radio show.