PCPL donates books to libraries in need
Published 2:25 pm Friday, October 28, 2011
The Polk County Public Library (PCPL) is donating more than 250 books to two N.C. libraries that recently suffered weather-related losses. Hazel W. Guilford Memorial Library in Aurora and Greene County Middle School in Snow Hill, N.C. will be the beneficiaries of the PCPL contribution. The goal is to help in rebuilding their children’s collections.
Last April, the Greene County Middle School’s media center had major damage from a tornado. The library will be housed in modular units for the next twoyears.
The school lost most of their fiction collection due to water damage. In September, the Hazel W. Guilford Memorial Library received severe hurricane damage.
Most of the area was devastated and the library finally moved into its temporary location on Oct. 17. The staff is now ready to receive replacement books.
Spearheaded by Children’s Librarian, Joy Sharp, and the Public Services Coordinator, Sharon Spurlin, the staff has gathered books from a variety of sources.
From sorting duplicates from the Columbus and Saluda circulation, searching through the recent Friends of the Library annual fall book sale offerings, donations from a local children’s book reviewer and also a local literary public relations firm, the PCPL pays it forward.
Although the PCPL staff is not looking for any additional book donations, the library would definitely welcome donations to offset the cost of shipping the books to the library.
For more information about PCPL and how you can help, visit www.polklibrary.org.
– article submitted by Tracey Daniels