Columbus police conduct red light/stop sign enforcement blitz

Published 6:31 pm Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Because of numerous recent complaints from citizens, the Columbus Police Department is conducting an enforcement campaign on red light and stop sign violations in the town, specifically in residential areas.
This enforcement campaign will run from Oct. 24 through Nov. 6, to coincide with the North Carolina Governor’s Highway safety program’s Halloween “Booze It & Lose It” campaign. The “Booze It & Lose It” campaign will run from Oct. 28 – 31.
Failing to stop at red lights and stop signs is a leading cause of motor vehicle collisions as well as injury or death to pedestrians, Columbus police officials said. Each year in the United States, drivers running red lights results in nearly 200,000 crashes, more than 800 deaths and 180,000 injuries.
With Halloween approaching, it is especially important to be diligent at red lights and stop signs, Columbus police officials said. Many children will be trick-or-treating and often fail to look before crossing the roadway.
Remember, a rolling stop is not a stop. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommends stopping for three seconds, looking both ways and ahead if applicable, before proceeding through a stop sign.
At red lights, the yellow light is not an indication to speed up and beat the light. The few seconds you might save by trying to beat the light is not worth the life you may cost.
While you are celebrating the Halloween season with friends, the Columbus Police Department urges you to do so safely. If you are going to a party, please choose a designated driver for your return home. No other criminal offense is responsible for as many deaths and injuries or as much property damage than driving while impaired, police officials said. In fact, according to officials, impaired drivers injure or kill a person every minute in the United States. North Carolina ranks seventh in the nation for DWI-related deaths, and 31 percent of N.C.’s fatal crashes were determined to be alcohol related.
– article submitted by
Columbus Police
Chief Chris Beddingfield

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