Habitat appoints Rev. Jeff Harris to board of directors

Published 8:21 pm Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thermal Belt Habitat for Humanity (TBHH) announced the addition of the Reverend Jeff Harris, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Tryon, to its board of directors.
Harris will be in charge of community relations and dedications. He replaces Father Walter Bryan, who was with Habitat for the last five years in the same position.
“We are grateful for the many years of service Walter has given to TBHH. TBHH will miss him,” board members said.

One of the jobs for Harris will be to organize a working relationship with the other local churches and other organizations. According to Habitat officials, the organization needs to find more qualified partners for whom a house can be provided.
At the present time, TBHH has four pre-owned houses available; two in Tryon, one in Columbus and one in Landrum. Prices for these four houses are lower compared to newly constructed ones. Application forms for partnership can be picked up at the Restore in Landrum.
TBHH has recently started work on a new house in Sunny View. This house is the first of a new design. Plans for it were obtained from the Charlotte chapter.
The organization also has signed a contract with a new construction superintendent, Doug Bailey. Bailey is a licensed contractor, who also works part-time with the Rutherford Habitat chapter.
– article submitted by
Thermal Belt Habitat for
Humanity, Inc.

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