My husband is a UFO fanatic

Published 12:48 pm Monday, September 23, 2024

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Dear Aunty Pam,


I think my husband Roy is going crazy. I’m kidding, but not really. Ever since I’ve known him (20 years), he’s been into UFOs. He sits outside at night looking at the sky and even goes to UFO conventions. We hardly even watch TV together anymore because he’s on YouTube, looking for new UFO videos. 

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In fact, we had a fight last week over where we’re going for vacation. I’d like to go to either a beach or the mountains, and he’s all fired up about going to Roswell, New Mexico, to some UFO gathering. I told him there’s no way we’re spending our money to go there.

I can almost deal with all that, except now, he’s telling me he’s been seeing orbs in our backyard. He put up a couple of trailer cams on our property and then showed me these still shots of floating orbs, all excited. I told him those aren’t orbs; they’re just bugs. He gets upset and says that I’m just being negative. I tell him the only orb outside is his big bald head and to start living in reality. 

Then last night, he told me the orbs followed him into the shower and he thinks aliens are trying to communicate with him.

Aunty Pam, he has worked my last nerve. I really wonder if he’s gone crazy in the head.



Roy’s wife


Dear Wife,


I love when people say somebody is ‘crazy in the head.’ Where else would they be crazy? In the collarbone? The kneecap?

Aunty Pam sort of loves Roy because I’m into all that UFO stuff too— although I will say not to the extent that Roy is and neither do I have bothersome orbs following me about. Dust balls the size of tumbleweeds, yes, but nothing shiny and suspended as Roy states he is seeing.

In all seriousness, as Roy has shown such a keen fascination for UFOs in the 20 years that you’ve known him, have you ever considered that he might be on the spectrum? Asperger’s? For some, it’s a fascination with dinosaurs, for others, astronomy or a host of things. For sure, if nothing else, UFO research is his happy place. But it does sound from your email that his fascination is now becoming an obsession as his orb observations are becoming more and more intense.

I’m not saying to throw a butterfly net over him and drag him to a psyche ward for an observation, but it might be worth a chat with Roy’s physician to see if it’s possible something else is going on, or if he’s on any prescriptive meds that might be contributing to his fantasies. 

And if he gets the all clear, while I agree Area 51 ain’t much of a vacay for you, maybe tell Roy you hear there’s been lots of sightings in the Bahamas…or Portugal…or Paris! 

Let him stare at the sky while you go shop!


Cheers, dears!

Aunty Pam