School closed
Published 12:18 pm Monday, November 4, 2019
Power outage causes school closure at Sunny View Friday
SUNNY VIEW—A power outage in Sunny View caused the school to be closed on Friday.
High winds Thursday night knocked out power to a section of Sunny View on the Lake Lure side.
Trees fell on lines and caused the outage.
Polk County Schools Superintendent Aaron Greene said Sunny View School has two buildings on Duke Energy and two buildings on REA Electric. He said the cafeteria and several classrooms did not have power Friday so the school system had to close the school for the day. He also said many of the students also did not have power at home.
All other schools in the county were on a regular schedule.
When one school closes and the others are open, the school board makes the decision on what to do about a make-up day.
Greene said the school system functions on a 180-day calendar and the school board can either forgive the day, the school that closed could go on a workday or have longer days to make up the hours. He said most issues that involve school being closed for one day for being without water or power are forgiven, but that decision will be up to the school board.