Last wildflower walk of season takes place Thursday

Published 8:00 am Wednesday, April 25, 2018

On Thursday, John Vining will lead the final spring wildflower walk at Pearson’s Falls and Glen.

Vining will talk about the special plants of the glen, with a focus on the species that are blooming. Vining is a favorite botanical trail guide and is well known in the community.

Before retirement, he was director of the Polk County Cooperative Extension and trained many area Master Gardeners.

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There will be two walks: one from 10:30 a.m. to noon, and one from 1:30 to 3 p.m.

It is necessary to preregister, as each walk is limited to 15 so everyone can see, hear and ask questions.

For more information and to register for the guided walk, contact the gatekeeper at Pearson’s Falls, 828-749-3031.

The rain date is April 28.

The Tryon Garden Club presents these guided walks each spring to educate participants about the progression of native wildflowers that bloom along the quarter mile trail along rushing Colts Creek up to Pearson’s Falls.

There is an admission fee to Pearson’s Falls, and a charge for the guided walk. All proceeds go to trail maintenance. An annual pass to Pearson’s Falls is available.

Pearson’s Falls is located at 2748 Pearson’s Falls Road, Saluda.

Follow the signs on Highway 176 North from Tryon or 176 South from Saluda. 

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-Submitted by Lucy Brannon