Saluda News & Notations: Outsmarted by the smart meter this winter

Published 3:12 pm Thursday, January 25, 2018

In winter we lead a more inward life. Our hearts are warm and cheery, like cottages under drifts, whose windows and doors are half concealed, but from whose chimneys the smoke cheerfully ascends.

~ Thoreau

Speaking of warm and cheery, cottages, and such…you know when you get a notice from the power company that this month’s bill will be higher due to winter cold snaps that you’re in for a rude awakening. It’s their way of paving the way to then send a notice that your bill’s due, and of course there’s the staggering amount you owe them buried somewhere in the fine print. Be sure you’re sitting down; you may not feel so warm and cheery when you get that bill. Maybe warm under the collar!

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We’ve had cold winters, but this winter is the highest the electric bill’s ever been. Ever. Considering I’m as frugal as can be, shivering in my boots instead of pushing the thermostat up, hanging laundry outside to dry as often as possible and mindful of conserving energy, the only other thought was … could it be … the so-called smart meter is the reason? This summer one of those smarties got installed by Duke Energy crews on this old house—everybody in the ‘hood got one as far as I know.

If you wanted to resist, you could—and keep your old not-so-smart meter. After considering being contrary, I thought maybe I’d give it a go, since my power bill has long been my most reasonable utility bill, sometimes under $40, often under $50. So, I guess the power company is trying to make up for lost time, because it finally beat out the Saluda water bill! Soon no one will have any money left to pay! Outsmarted by the smart meter — what would Thoreau think about that?!

Saluda Welcome Table at Saluda Methodist Church is every Tuesday from 5:30-6:45 p.m.

There’s still time to order an engraved brick/paver for Pace Park in the alley by M.A. Pace Store. Drop off applications and payment to City Hall or mail to City of Saluda, 6 Main Street, Saluda, NC 28773. Proceeds will go toward building public restrooms. For information, contact Catherine Ross at 828-749-3534 or email

Learn more about Saluda Community Land Trust (SCLT) by visiting or calling 828-749-1560. Monthly meetings are the first Wednesday each month, 3 p.m., at Saluda Presbyterian Church. Contact SCLT at 828-749-1560 or visit 

Saluda Center community potluck and bingo night is Jan. 29, 6 p.m. Bring something good to share with others; all welcome.

The Saluda Historic Depot will be open this January on Friday and Saturday each week. For more information, visit

Calling all artists: the Saluda Business Association invites you to enter the 15th annual juried Saluda Arts Festival on May 19, 2018. The deadline for entry is mid-March. Visit to link to the arts festival page.

Pearson’s Falls is closed through January.

Saluda Get Well goes to Cissy Thompson, Jane Thompson, and Rita Igoe.

Happy January Birthday to Nora Parks Anderson, Brandy Bradley, Alex Bardos, Carolyn Ashburn, Scott Kinard, Donna Bond, Greer Eargle, Wyatt Alan Pace, Irma Anderson, Paul Aaybe, Phyllis Arrington, Kenneth Justus, Cheryl Harbin, and Avery Lena Mintz. Please add your name to the list; no ages mentioned unless you’re under 2 or over 100!

Thank you, dear readers, for reading this column. You can contact me at, 828-749-1153, or