Polk commissioners approve resolution for Veterans Day
Published 9:05 pm Thursday, November 9, 2017
COLUMBUS – The Polk County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution this week in honor of Veterans Day, which is Saturday, Nov. 11.
Commissioners met Monday, Nov. 6 and heard from Polk County Veterans Service Officer Gina Cashion, who presented the resolution.
Cashion has been on the job for six months in Polk County, with commissioners thanking her for what she has brought to the veterans of the county.
County chairman Tommy Melton said without veterans, commissioners would not be sitting where they were Monday night.
“Many, many have died to give us the right to assemble here tonight,” Melton said.
Following is the resolution commissioners approved:
WHEREAS, each year, our nation pauses to pay tribute to the many men and women who have pledged their allegiance to the United States Armed Forces;
WHEREAS, their loyalty to the military is evident in their commitment and willingness to make sacrifices to protect our country;
WHEREAS, their faithfulness and courage commands respect as many have stood in the face of our country’s adversaries to protect our freedom;
WHEREAS, the United States Congress passed a concurrent resolution on June 4, 1926, calling for the observation of November 11 with appropriate ceremonies, and later provided in an act approved on May 13, 1938, that the eleventh of November in each year should be a legal holiday celebrated and known as Armistice Day; and
WHEREAS, on June 1, 1954, Congress made an amendment replacing “Armistice” with “Veterans;”
WHEREAS, November 11 is Veterans Day and is set aside as a legal state and federal public holiday to honor our nation’s veterans;
WHEREAS, it is hoped that we are inspired and our bond as a nation is strengthened as we gather on Veterans Day to recognize the patriots across our great nation and the nearly 2,200 veterans of Polk County who have defended our rights, values and freedoms;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the members of the Polk County Board of Commissioners, do hereby resolve that November 11, 2017 is Veterans Day in Polk County. We urge all our citizens to observe Veterans Day 2017 by displaying respect and gratitude for our veterans, both living and deceased, through appropriate services and ceremonies recognizing their great sacrifice.