Fish Fry Fundraiser at The Meeting Place

Published 4:06 pm Monday, August 28, 2017

On Friday, September 8 The Meeting Place will hold a fish fry fundraiser for the Polk County Senior Centers. From 4 to 7 p.m. meals will be served at the Columbus center located at 75 Carmel Lane (formerly the Classical School).

The meal will include the fabulous fried fish for which The Meeting Place kitchen is locally famous (although visitors from as far away as Florida have commented most favorably on the quality of this dish), hush puppies, cole slaw, baked potato, fresh, homemade dessert and a drink. It will be available as eat-in or take-out.

The “eat-in” crowd will be entertained by the timeless music of Patsy Cline sung by Erin Hensley. Hensley, a native of East Tennessee, has been enchanting audiences with her rendition of Patsy Cline’s best loved songs since her initial performance as Patsy in “Always, Patsy Cline.” Fascinated by the life and music, Hensley has created a tribute to the country music legend.

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Funds raised by this event will be used to enhance our meals program, support our garden project, and subsidize our trips and outreach events.

The mission of The Meeting Place Senior Center is to enhance the lives of the senior citizens of Polk County; to support independent living and to provide space and programming for education, recreation , and nutrition. Services are available for anyone aged 60 years or better at low or no cost to the individual. Exercise classes, craft classes, singing, bingo, bridge, Medicare counseling, and daily meals including Meals on Wheels are some of the regular offerings Monday through Friday. Hours of operation are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

For information and tickets for the Friday Fish Fry, please call The Meeting Place at 828-894-0001 or The Meeting Place II at 828-863-2795 or The Saluda Senior Center at 828-749-9245.

To learn more about the services and offerings of the Senior Center, call 828-894-0001.