Tryon hires William Morgan as new town attorney
Published 10:00 pm Thursday, April 20, 2017
TRYON – The Town of Tryon has a new attorney to replace former attorney Bailey Nager.
Tryon is the last to hire an attorney after Nager resigned last year from the towns of Columbus and Tryon and City of Saluda.
Tryon Town Council met Tuesday, April 18 and approved a memorandum of understanding to hire William Morgan, out of Asheville.
Tryon Town Manager Zach Ollis said commissioners selected Morgan after multiple interviews with candidates.
The memorandum of understanding is between the town and Morgan and includes scope of services and compensation.
Morgan will consult with the mayor, council members and staff in drafting and/or reviewing ordinances and other documents, represent the town in litigation not covered by insurance and attend town council meetings, board of adjustment/planning board meetings and other meetings at the town’s request.
Payment to Morgan will include $350 per meeting he attends for the town and $150 per hour for all other services. Morgan will also bill the town for other expenses, including routine expenses for town business, including long distance calls, postage, secretarial or word processing services, travel to and from and within Tryon and Polk County, supplies and copying.
The memorandum of understanding began April 4 and will end June 30, 2018 and shall continue beyond the agreed end date unless either party indicates a desire to renegotiate the terms.
Columbus hired Lora Baker as its attorney and Saluda hired Jana Berg as its attorney. Both Columbus and Saluda made the new hires in February.
Nager began as the Town of Tryon’s attorney in 2002, then joined Saluda as its attorney in 2003 and Columbus in 2006.
He announced his resignation from all three towns in November 2016, saying being the attorney of all three towns as well as having a law office was overwhelming and he’d like to concentrate on his law office.
Nager’s law office is in Tryon.