Noting random acts of unkindness

Published 10:00 pm Friday, June 17, 2016

To the editor:

This letter is to the person who stole my black umbrella on Friday evening, May 27 at the Tryon Depot during the art opening of the watercolor artists.

I have given you plenty of time to have an attack of conscience and return it to the Depot. I checked and you have not. I am writing this because if random acts of kindness should be noted then maybe random acts of unkindness should also be noted.

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It was pouring that night and I left my umbrella outside on the porch, with others, so it would not drip on the floor of the Depot.

When I left to walk to my car it was still pouring, however my umbrella was gone.

Would it have been so difficult to borrow the umbrella, walk to your car, and then drive around and return it to the porch?

I do not know the person who stole my umbrella but there are certain things I can guess about them. The person is most likely a senior citizen, most people there were.

Your attitude of “every man for himself” meant you made a conscious decision to make someone else have to walk in the pouring rain so you could remain dry. Is this what you teach your grandchildren?

The umbrella has no sentimental value but it still hurt to lose it because it was a good one and it was mine. Ironically, I had an out of town guest that day and after we spent the day antiquing I expounded on how wonderful it is to live in a small town where everyone is so nice!

So, I consider this a lesson learned. The next time I will take my dripping umbrella inside.

Umbrella-less in Tryon,

Luta Sabo

Tryon, N.C.