Tryon Downtown Development Association is a winner!

Published 10:00 pm Friday, May 1, 2015

Many small communities grow and develop by chance. However, Tryon citizens were proactive, and to foster business and encourage beautification they established in 1994 a group today known as the private, nonprofit Tryon Downtown Business Association.


The group’s original purpose has broadened during the last 30 years and now also encompasses building public/private partnerships; working in aesthetically developing downtown to attract additional successful and sustainable businesses; attracting visitors through downtown events and other activities; and collaborating with the Town of Tryon to coordinate construction, event management and other projects.

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Today the results are obvious. TDDA has been responsible for such major streetscape improvements as the burying of the Trade Street utility lines and the installation of landscaping, urban furniture and flower baskets. It has worked diligently on upgrading sign and zoning ordinances. And it has initiated and helped continue such popular and well-known events like April Fools, Art Escape, Parade of Ponies, Tryon Beer Fest, Tryon Midnight (the community New Year’s Eve celebration), and Christmas and Halloween Strolls for local young people.


After TDDA adopted the Main Street process for downtown revitalization, the North Carolina Department of Commerce recognized Tryon by designating it an official North Carolina Small Town Main Street in 2007. To obtain and maintain this designation, Tryon and TDDA have to continue to meet a stringent set of criteria, and in turn they receive education, support and hands-on experience in countless ways.


Many people have visited Tryon and fallen in love with its unique history and its well-developed arts and cultural offerings and resources. Tryon, its residents and the entire Carolina Foothills community have benefitted from the creation and continued existence of TDDA, whose innumerable collaborate and visionary efforts have helped make Tryon what it is today and what it will be in the future.


To become involved with TDDA or any of its activities for more information, contact Judd Daniel at or Wanda May at
– Submitted by Duncan Ely and Wanda May