Columbus public works, fire departments flushing hydrants now through April 26
Published 5:29 pm Monday, April 16, 2012
The Columbus Public Works Department and Columbus Fire Department have begun conducting their semi-annual hydrant maintenance procedures. Hydrants will be flushed throughout the Columbus water system through Thursday, April 26 between 6 and 10 p.m.
According to Columbus officials, hydrant flushing verifies the proper operation of the hydrants, identifies hydrants that are in need of repair and ensures that sufficient water flow is available for fighting fires. Also, sedimentation build-up can be mitigated as it is flushed out – this improves water quality throughout the entire system.
Customers may experience discoloration or decreases in water pressure during certain times when hydrant flushing is being performed. As a result, customers are urged to avoid using high-water usage appliances, such as laundry machines or dishwashers, during these times.
The Town of Columbus is using its CodeRed system to alert customers to the hydrant flushing dates, and officials will call each day to alert specific locations.
If you are a Columbus water user and did not get a CodeRed notification regarding the water system hydrant flushing, contact town hall at 828-894-8236.
If you have questions or concerns regarding the hydrant flushing itself, contact the Columbus Public Works Department at 828-894-8236 or the Columbus Fire Department at 828-894-3667.
– article submitted
by the Town of Columbus