Columbus approves 2017-2018 budget

Published 3:59 pm Thursday, June 22, 2017

Town also approves new fee schedule for planning and zoning

COLUMBUS-The Town of Columbus has a new budget for fiscal year 2017-2018, with the new budget beginning on July 1.

Columbus Town Council met June 15 and approved the budget following a public hearing.

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Council also approved a new fee schedule for planning and zoning fees, with town manager Tim Barth saying some of the town’s development fees are out of date.

The town’s new budget includes no property tax increases but a 0.52-cent increase in the fire tax. The town’s total tax rate will be 42.52 cents per $100 of property valuation.

The total budget is for $2,409,598. Columbus plans to use $35,680 in state Powell Bill funding to resurface and improve sidewalks and $22,013 from its fund balance to pay for the debt service on the police department expansion.

Capital expenditures planned for next year include a new diesel lawn mower for the streets department and a new vehicle for the police department.

The new fee schedule includes several increases as well as a few decreases. For example, a new construction zoning permit for a single family home was increased from $25 to $100. A commercial permit for a building over 5,000 square feet increased from $100 to $400 and a zoning certification letter increased from $30 to $35. A non-residential zoning compliance permit decreased from $140 to $50.

Barth said the planning and zoning fees don’t come into play very often because Columbus doesn’t see a lot of development but that could change in the future.

Columbus’ full budget and fee schedule can be viewed at