Houston Rd. resident responds to claim his dogs are nuisances
Published 6:22 pm Thursday, March 23, 2017
COLUMBUS-Houston Road resident Delvin Adams spoke at a recent Polk County Board of Commissioner meeting to defend a claim his neighbor made that his dogs are a nuisance.
Adams spoke at the commissioner’s March 6 meeting, saying his neighbor claimed he has 30 dogs that kept him up all night.
Adams was referring to his neighbor Chad Fisher, who came to commissioners asking for a noise ordinance of some kind because of his neighbor’s dogs.
Adams said his neighbor knows he has 20 dogs, which are mostly senior dogs that he and his wife rescue.
“They all sleep inside all night,” Adams said.
Adams told commissioners he has been threatened and the sheriff’s office has been sent out as well as the Polk County Animal Control officer to check on the noise and to check for rabies vaccinations. He says vaccinations are all up to date.
Adams said his neighbor claims the dogs keep him up all night but they stay inside at night.
Adams also said his wife is retired and keeps them inside with her all day.
“They are probably out only an hour (a day),” Adams told commissioners. “The rest of the time they are inside on the couch.”
Adams said he just wanted to make it clear that he does not have 30 dogs, but 20, and that they are inside most of the day. He said the county was talking about a noise ordinance, “but in this case it’s just not warranted.”
Commissioner chair Tommy Melton said he would go out to hear the dogs and he did.
“I’ve been out there three times and did not hear the dogs,” Melton said.
Adams said the police also say they don’t hear the dogs when they are called.
County manager Marche Pittman asked Adams how in the world he keeps up with 20 dogs.
Adams said they are rescued senior dogs.
“We just love the dogs,” Adams said. “If we had more land and more money I’d probably have more.”
Adams also said all his dogs are up to date on everything from Bonnie Brae Veterinary Clinic.