In tribute to Fran Rosenblad

Published 10:00 pm Friday, July 22, 2016

Anyone who had the privilege of spending a few minutes in the presence of Frances G. Rosenblad, known simply as Fran, most likely came away from that first interaction with a lasting sense of her spirit for life.

Fran and her husband Carl, formerly of Moriches, N.Y., made their most recent home in Columbus, N.C., and were members of Columbus Presbyterian Church. For many years, Fran visited the Adawehi Campus where she met friends, attended Yoga and T’ai Chi classes, shopped, and admired the flowers along the trails.

In May this year, as we approached the first anniversary of Fran’s passing, many of her friends spoke of her and decided to share tributes to Fran. Fran’s life is celebrated for many reasons through the tributes that follow.

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Fran made the best gingerbread. Whenever we would have covered dish meals at church I would always ask her to bring gingerbread. And the best part was that, if there happened to be any left, she’d let me take it home. She would also make me my very own for my birthday and Christmas.

~ Donna Kay Ashley

My fondest memory of Fran is that when we passed the peace in church we always did it with a hug rather than a handshake. I miss her every Sunday, and also at Wednesday night Bible study and dinner.

~ Barbara Weinberger

Fran was a very loyal friend and dedicated T’ai Chi student. She frequently saw colors during her acupressure sessions with me, and we often talked about music, family and spirituality. She was very gentle, compassionate, and supportive. I felt she was really searching for inner peace and remember when she invited me to her home and showed me her master bath. She was creating a sanctuary, a retreat for herself where she could find renewal. She would give me a ride home from the Healing Center after a session. One time before Christmas, and her trip north, I made her a wooden angel ornament on the back of which I wrote “follow your heart.” I knew we wouldn’t see each other for a while but wanted her to know how very loved she was by all of us.

~  Autumn Singleton

When Fran wasn’t visiting her family up north she would faithfully be at her favorite yoga spot. We admired her flexibility at her age and she was an inspiration for us to be just like her when we reached that age! I remember her willingness to try new poses.  “You want my strap, block, hands…where??” she would say, and then giggled when she attempted it. We love Fran!

~ Julie Maziarka

I knew Fran for many years. I did not see her often, but I was always happy to see her because she was so kind.  She was always enthusiastic about yoga and health, and had a caring way about her.

~ Rachel  Wyatt

I loved Fran for always bringing so much willingness when in Yoga class. No matter what poses Jen led us through, she brought what her body could do with great intention and no complaint.  What an inspiring lady!

~ Elaine Bailey

I knew Fran from yoga also. She was very committed and was always so willing and delightful. She came with a determined smile!

~ Cathy McReynolds

Fran was not only a yoga student of mine, she was a friend. She always had something insightful to say and was always willing to listen to and share wisdom.  And she strived to bring Health in many different ways. She was loyal, kind and generous with everybody in her life.

She came to yoga religiously and practiced as rigorously as any of the class. Even when she was out for a spell with an ailment, she’d come running back full force to get herself back to muster. Her commitment was infallible.  And when she started having trouble with driving in the dark, June Ellen would go pick her up so that she could continue to participate. She was well loved and loved well.

When I went to visit her in hospice, barely cognizant, I sat down on her bed and took her hand.  She didn’t realize that it was I until she heard my voice.  All our years together culminated in that moment when she heard my voice and reached for me.  Even in her last hours, she exuded her gratitude with that gesture.

~ Jennifer Woods

– article submitted

by Roulettei Gildersleeve