Touching all the bases

Published 10:00 pm Thursday, June 2, 2016



It’s been a real hectic week for me. First of all, my dear wife Elaine broke her kneecap in five places. I didn’t know a knee had that many places to break. Anyway we’re a sight, her in her wheelchair and me trying to get chores done on my cane.

Those who attended my gala saw my bride in her wheelchair, still looking like the cutest lady in the room.

I’ve been running around this week making sure all the rescues received the monies from the gala along with a little extra because we did so well. Thousands of dollars were raised on behalf of our local animals and once again I wish to thank all who support our cause.

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My boy Foreman, from last week’s tale, will be operated on at Bonnie Brae’s on the sixth. He is one beautiful trooper and I swear, whoever is lucky enough to adopt him when all is done, is in for the joy of a lifetime.

I’ve been trying to help little Roxie, a 14-year-old Chihuahua, sent to me by Danielle Scruggs, my dearest friend and great Chihuahua rescue and with beautiful Goldens. It was feared Roxie might have liver problems but tests have shown acceptable levels. Her owner says Roxie is her baby and I am sympathetic to her plight. Roxie is now vomiting and I’ve okayed x-rays to see if something else is going on. She is a sweet little girl and we’ll do our best and keep our fingers crossed for that’s all we can do. Prayers help a lot, too.

While I was delivering a check to Lori Jewell and her Pet Tender Angels, I ran into an old friend. About a year and a half ago I wrote about Angel and I didn’t realize she hadn’t been adopted. I’ll be honest, I sometimes lose track of my kids because other things are always popping up.

When I wrote about Angel it was because one of my favorite dogs at PTA was Poppy, a three legged Pit mix that would greet me with more joy than even my own Boxers. When Poppy was adopted I was elated but I missed her.

Angel is a little black and white Pit mix that is one ball of energy and love. Oh yes, she too is a tripod. Angel loves rough play so she cannot be around cats but as an only dog or with a group of larger dogs, she’ll be fine.

When I saw her last week I hugged her and promised that I’d help her find a home. She answered me by licking my face. I laughed and said, “Thanks for the sugar.”

If you have any interest, contact me or Lori and we’ll find a way for you to meet this magnificent little lady and you can judge for yourself. Meanwhile stay well, keep me in your prayers, and thanks for listening.