Australian blues master Geoff Achison opens TFAC’s amphitheater season tonight

Published 10:10 pm Wednesday, April 27, 2016

PAGE 3 TFACGeoffAchison

Don’t miss Geoff Achison, one of Australia’s most respected guitar troubadours, as he opens TFAC’s Spring Amphitheater Season with his amazing solo show on Thursday, April 28 at 7 p.m.


From Melbourne to Memphis, Geoff has thrilled audiences with his dynamic blues playing, catchy originals and gutsy solo arrangements, which range from James Brown to The Beatles and more. A highly regarded instrumentalist and singer songwriter, Geoff treats his Licthy guitar like an orchestra, laying down a mix of earthy blues, heartfelt soul and irresistibly funky grooves.


Donations are gratefully accepted and concessions will be for sale. The season sponsor is The Plume Family Foundation and the concert sponsor is Lichty Guitar.


For the guitarists out there, on Saturday, April 30 at noon, Geoff is offering a laid back afternoon of guitar talk and play. Geoff will demonstrate and discuss his personal playing technique as well as tips for arranging, songwriting and performance. You’ll learn some of his guitar tricks and secrets to add to your skills. Bring your axe and be inspired by this rare opportunity to learn from this internationally acclaimed musician. Pre-registration for the master class is suggested, and there is a fee for the class.


For more information on the concert or the master class, visit or call 828-859-8322.


–  Submitted by Susan Brady