United Methodist Church Response Teams seeking volunteers
Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, October 7, 2015
As sunshine has returned to our skies, we are getting a better picture of the devastation left behind by the storms across the Carolinas. As the water recedes, work crews of volunteers are gathering and methodically moving into communities to begin the clean up.
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and the SC U Methodist Conference Emergency Response Teams (ERTs) are reaching out in two directions: First to those affected by the storms with aid and assistance then, secondly, to those of us who were spared the worst of the devastation to encourage us to be generous in our response to those hardest hit. Here’s what we are asked to do:
1. Pray! Pray for the families of those whose lives were lost due to the storm; pray for the families whose homes were destroyed, damaged or flooded by the wind and rain; pray for the first responders, mobilized National Guard troops and other rescue personnel who tirelessly search for storm victims and conduct rescue operations; pray for medical professionals who attend to the ill and injured; pray for the countless volunteers who over the coming weeks will reach out to those in need, pray for laborers, engineers, equipment operators and planners preparing to rebuild infrastructure and help get life back to normal.
2. Act! Those who are available and able are asked to consider joining a team of volunteers that will deploy early on Friday, Oct. 9 to a particularly hard hit area of South Carolina to assist with cleanup efforts. The Reverend Jane Jenkins is leading this effort within our congregation and community and will join with members of the ERT from New Beginnings UMC of Boiling Springs, S.C. They are also collecting cleaning equipment and supplies to take along and use in the cleanup effort. Remember those “flood buckets” we assembled a couple of years ago that we sent to the UMCOR warehouse? Buckets like those will now be used by volunteers from United Methodist Emergency Response Teams to help our neighbors. If you are interested in being a part of this team effort, please call me at (864) 316-1784 or The Reverend Jane Jenkins at (864) 266-7982 and we’ll sign you up.
3. Give! Our congregation has always generously responded to those in need through UMCOR. Usually, we respond to disasters in far-away places around the globe. This time we are asked to help our neighbors. We are now called upon to give generously to this effort that will help to rebuild the lives of our neighbors who have been impacted by these storms. If you are able and so inclined, please make your check to Jacksons Grove UMC and mark it for “UMCOR Carolinas Flood Relief.” You may bring your check to church on Sunday or you may wish to make your contribution on-line by using the link at the UMCOR website www.umcor.org.
May God continue to bless our efforts to be good neighbors and may God use our compassionate hands and generous hearts to proclaim God’s love for all.
– Submitted Mike Bowers