Outed cat
Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, August 25, 2015
To the editor:
At last the cat is out of the bag! Commission Michael Gage is reported in the Aug. 14 Bulletin as pointing out that an outcry (over the UDO) came when citizens filled an auditorium. Apparently the commissioners are waiting for Citizens Favoring an Expert in the matter of Polk County’s future water supply to fill an auditorium.
Really? Shall we return to the 19th Century torchlight parades — with occasional attending violence after gathering around the free whiskey and beer? As a long time political activist, I can assure you it is not too difficult to gather a group — and enrage them. It is, however, sometimes difficult to control such a mob.
Hopefully, Polk County can solve its problems in a somewhat more civilized manner.
Bill Holcomb
Tryon, N.C.