Williamson sweeps six events at senior games
Published 4:28 pm Monday, April 22, 2013
The Greater Greenville Senior Sports Classic marked its 21st year with more than 200 participants. Event organizers said the premise behind the competition is to promote regular exercise in the lives of seniors.
“He’s a pleasure to know – I can’t believe how much stamina he has, which makes everyone in awe of him,” said program coordinator Joni Dilworth. “Look at him, he isn’t your typical 95-year-old and I think it is all because he stays active and healthy.”
Dilworth said she believes he could have competed as well at age ranges below 90 too. Williamson said he’s been an active person his whole life. He credits his recent wins at the senior games to working out three times a week.
“I can’t stand to stay still – I have a wonderful appetite and I sleep well because I’m active,” Williamson said.
Anyone interested in more information about the senior games or related programs, can contact Dilworth at 864-288-6470 or by email at joni@gcrd.org.