Polk has spent $74k on developing UDO
Published 5:51 pm Friday, September 21, 2012
Polk 20/20 vision, UDO timeline
Editor’s note: The following timeline is taken from minutes of Polk County board meetings regarding the comprehensive plan and the UDO.
• May 7, 2007 – A 22-member visioning committee was appointed by the board of commissioners, Harry Denton, Tommy Melton, Ted Owens, Tom Pack and Warren Watson. The committee was to develop a vision for Polk County and to recommend priorities for future planning.
• June 16, 2008 – The visioning committee presented its final report to the board of commissioners, Tommy Melton, Harry Denton, Ted Owens, Tom Pack and Warren Watson. Commissioner Pack made a motion to accept the report, seconded by Commissioner Owens, and the motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Pack recommended a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and an oversight citizen committee be formed.
• July 7, 2008 – Comprehensive Land Use presentation to commissioners. Commissioner Owens made the motion to form a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and an oversight committee for the Comprehensive Planning Process, seconded by Commissioner Pack. Discussion followed and the motion was removed. Commissioner Owens stated he did really didn’t want to delay it because we all really want to move on this, but if it will help the board make a decision properly he would be glad to delay the motion until the next meeting. Commissioner Pack agreed with Owens.
• July 21, 2008 – Proposed Comprehensive Plan RFP for review and citizen oversight committee formation. Commissioner Owens made the motion to create a Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee with one citizen from each township and one citizen from each of the municipalities. Commissioner Pack seconded the motion and it carried unanimously.
• Oct. 6, 2008 – Recommendations for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan Citizens Advisory Committee. 43 applicants were interviewed by Joe Epley, Marshall Monroe, Cathy Ruth, Tom Pack and Tommy Melton. They recommended a primary and alternate for each township and each municipality. Commissioner Owens made a motion for these citizens to be appointed, seconded by Commissioner Watson, and carried unanimously. Commissioner Watson made a motion to approve Holland Consulting Planners from Wilmington, N.C. for $90,860, seconded by Commissioner Owens, and the motion carried 4-1 (Melton opposed).
• March 15, 2010 – 20/20 Vision Plan adopted as the Comprehension Plan for Polk County. Commissioner McDermott made a motion to adopt the Comprehension Plan, seconded by Commissioner Melton and it carried unanimously. Board of commissioners: Cindy Walker, Ray Gasperson, Renée McDermott, Tommy Melton and Warren Watson.
• May 3, 2010 – Discussion began regarding creating a Unified Development Ordinance by consolidating and organizing all of the land use ordinances into one document as recommended in the Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner McDermott made a motion, Commissioner Gasperson seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Board of commissioners: Cindy Walker, Ray Gasperson, Renée McDermott, Tommy Melton and Warren Watson.
• June 21, 2010 – Unified Development Ordinance Committee appointed.
• July 12, 2010 – Contract for consultant services with Holland Consulting Planners Inc. and Polk County to prepare a Unified Development Ordinance for the county. Vice-Chairperson Gasperson made a motion to approve the contract, seconded by Commissioner Watson, and the motion carried unanimously. The first meeting of the Unified Development Ordinance Committee is scheduled for July 26, 2010 at 7 p.m.