Edits made to May 9, 2012, Polk County Unified Development Ordinance

Published 4:16 pm Thursday, September 13, 2012

54.       10.5  ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL.  Administrative approval includes is required for:

●  Low Impact Development Sketch Plans or Site Plans, if required.

●  Moderate Impact Development Site Plans.

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●  Building Design Criteria and Architectural Drawings, See Article 11.

NOTE:  A sketch plan and/or pre-application meeting is recommended but not required for low impact and moderate impact development site plans.


55.       10.5.4 Permit Issued.  If the plan is found by the Administrator to meet all of the applicable regulations of this Ordinance, then the Administrator shall issue a zoning compliance permit for site plans.


56.       10.6  BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT QUASI-JUDICIAL APPROVAL.  Board of Adjustment quasi-judicial approval includes is required for:

●  High Impact Development Site Plans.

●  Issuance of Conditional Use Permits (see Section 5.5).

NOTE:  A sketch plan and/or pre-application meeting is required recommended for all high impact development site plans.  Approval of a high impact development site plan requires preparation of an environmental impact statement as specified in Article 21 22.  The environmental checklist specified in Section 21.2 22.2 is not required.  Approval of a high impact site plan requires a finding of no significant negative environmental impact.


57.  For moderate and high impact developments (see Section 10.2), all parking lots shall be graded and surfaced with blacktop, pervious surface, concrete, brick, or other such approved surfacing material to ensure a sediment-free surface condition.  Parking for all non-major low impact developments may be surfaced with crushed stone.


58. Where provision of required off-street parking for a building or other uses established subsequent to the adoption of this section involves one or more parcels or tracts of land that are not a part of the plot on which the principal use is situated, the applicant for a permit for the principal use  When it is proposed to make use of remote parking space as provided in Section, the applicant shall submit with his or her application for a zoning permit certificate of zoning compliance an instrument duly executed and acknowledged, which subjects the parcels or tracts of land to parking uses in connection with the principal use for which it is made available.


59.       12.6.5  Surfacing.  Changed last sentence: Loading for all non-major low impact developments may be surfaced with crushed stone.


60.       13.4.2 Pole-Mounted Luminaires.  Luminaires must not be taller than 15 feet in the following zoning districts: AR, CON, AR-5, RE-1, RE-5, R, MU, and NC, or when placed within 50 feet of a residential zoning district.  In the HC and I zoning districts, luminaires must not be taller than 30 feet.


61.  Lighting beyond the perimeter of the canopy must be consistent with the lighting standards for parking areas contained in Article 12.


62.       13.5.6  Recreational Facilities.  Lighting for outdoor athletic fields, courts, or tracks is exempt from the height restrictions contained in Section 13.4.2 and shall must meet the following standards:


63.  Lighting must be designed by a registered engineer lighting professional having experience with lighting installations.


64.  Additional plants appearing on the Global Invasive Species Database Southeast Regional (eastern United States) list may also be deemed unacceptable.  Tree of Heaven was added to the list of unacceptable plant material.


65.  A buffer is a specified land area, located parallel to and within the outer perimeter of a lot or parcel and extending to the lot or parcel boundary line, together with the planting and landscaping required on the land. A buffer may also contain, or be required to contain, a barrier such as a berm, fence or wall, or combination thereof, where such additional screening is necessary to achieve the desired level of buffering between various land use activities. A The termbuffer, as used herein, is not the same as the term “yard” when used in the context of setback regulations.


66. (C) The slope of the berm shall be stabilized with vegetation and shall be no steeper than 2:1 3:1.


66.  Berms or walls may be used or installed in lieu of or in addition to plantings.


68.       14.9  Added a comma between effectiveness durability.


69.       14.13  Added an “s” to event in first sentence.