Schweizer musical director for Community Chorus Christmas concert

Published 6:12 pm Friday, September 23, 2011

The Community Chorus board of directors announces the appointment of Dr. Mark Schweizer as musical director for the chorus’ annual Christmas concert. Also, continuing to provide the piano accompaniment will be Pam McNeil. Numerous special musical guests will also be featured.

This year’s concert will be held on Sunday, Dec. 11 at 3 p.m. at the Polk County High School auditorium.

Schweizer lives and works in Tryon as a mystery book writer, a music composer and the owner/operator of St. James Music Press. His music education includes undergraduate and graduate degrees from Stetson  University and the University of Arizona.

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Schweizer received high accolades for his direction of the full house “Do-It  Yourself Messiah” for volunteer vocalists at the Fine Arts Center in 2011, with Beth Child accompanying and Converse College providing the soloists.

Schweizer and his wife, Donis, an accomplished violinist, have both participated in chorus concerts previously.

“The chorus board and many of the regular singers who know Schweizer are thrilled to have him provide the leadership and creativity that will bring a most exciting and enjoyable Christmas concert to our community,” said chorus president, Art Brown.

Asked for a sneak preview of what might happen at the concert, Schweizer said, 
“No comment. It’s strictly under wraps.”

“This matches up with Mark’s persona,” said Brown, reflecting on Schweizer’s mystery writer side. The fact that a number of Schweizer’s musical contributions will be included in the Christmas concert will confirm his many talents.

Rehearsals for the all-volunteer chorus are held each Monday night beginning Oct. 3 and up to the concert date at the Tryon Presbyterian Church on Harmon Field Rd. in Tryon. First night registration is at 6:30 p.m. and regular rehearsals are from 7 – 9 p.m.

New singers are encouraged and welcome. More information is available at

– article submitted by Art Brown