Polk Middle students Mix it Up
Published 4:04 pm Friday, November 27, 2009
Polk County Middle School students recently participated in Mix It Up Day, when they answered a simple call to action to take a new seat in the cafeteria and cross the invisible lines of school division, meet new people and make new friends.
Mix it Up at Lunch Day helps students become more comfortable interacting with different kinds of people according to event organizers.
According to Mix It Up at Lunch Day organizers who responded to a 2008 survey conducted by Quality Education Data, the Mix It Up program produces powerful results:
97 percent of respondents said students interactions were positive during Mix It Up at Lunch Day.
95 percent of respondents said Mix It Up at Lunch Day prompted students to interact with people outside of their normal social circles.
92 percent of respondents said Mix It Up at Lunch Day increased awareness about social boundaries and divisions within school.
83 percent of respondents said the event helped students make new friends.
79 percent of respondents said as a result of the Day students have heightened sensitivity towards tolerance and social justice issues.
78 percent of the respondents said as a result of the Day students seem more comfortable interacting with different kinds of people.
Teachers and students worked together to organize Mix It Up at Lunch Day, with the ultimate result of collaboration to create real change.