Polk residents win regional artist project grants

Published 3:47 pm Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Arts Council of Henderson County, in collaboration with the Arts Councils of Transylvania, Polk and Haywood counties, recently announced the Regional Artist Project Grantees for 2010.

This grant is for professional artists who wish to further their career through purchase of equipment and materials, professional development workshops, travel expenses associated with a professional opportunity, or development or upgrading of promotional materials such as brochures, DVDs, CDs, and websites.

The Arts Council of Henderson County is the Designated County Partner for the distribution of funds provided by the North Carolina Arts Council.

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A total of $7,000 in RAPG grants were awarded to:

Bonnie Bardos of Polk County for continuation of her Esto Perpetua series.

A. John Dosio of Transylvania County for art materials to finish a series.

Dave Goldman of Henderson County for art show expenses.

Linda Hudgins of Polk County for a marketing package.

Janet Orselli of Polk County for installation of a site specific exhibit.

Linda Powell of Polk County for marketing of a first book and CD, plus completion of a 2nd.

Theresa Reuter and Kenson Thompson, both of Transylvania County, for a collaborative effort to create an illustrated book featuring an historic garden.

David Sheldon, a sculptor from Henderson County, received funding for copper sheets to finish three sculptures.

Kate Stockman, Henderson County, received funds to attend three workshops on handmade paper and book arts.

It is an honor to be the administrator for Henderson and three other arts councils in support of individual artists, said Patricia James, Grant Manager of the Arts Council of Henderson County. James added This year showed a diversity of talent from installation art to visual art, music, and self esteem arts education programs.

For more information contact The Arts Council of Henderson County at 828.693.8504 or acofhc@bellsouth.net. Visit us at acofhc.org.