Traffic woes

Published 10:24 am Friday, August 16, 2024

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“Is not impermanence the very fragrance of our day?” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke


Pearls on lace flutter in delicate wisps in a mountain-soft breeze this morning, drizzle whispering stories among late summer leaves. I lift my coffee mug in salutation to patient spiders for leaving those ever-changing works of art to admire and for all the pests they ensnare—silent and efficient. 

On a cool, damp morning, coffee tastes better, I think, watching the morning drift along, no minute the same. It all goes so fast, both bittersweet yet delicious to savor each unfolding moment. The spiders don’t fret over torn webs; there they are once again, painstakingly weaving on a new tapestry, like orange-robed monks creating a sand mandala, intensive work that will disappear into the wind. Reminders of the wise ones. 

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Peace faded away as I worked on typing up a new column, finding myself over-anxious over a looming trip back up to the Asheville Airport to drop off friends heading for Colorado and pick up others coming back from Finland. Somehow, all their plans had fallen apart and changed, so suddenly I was “it” for the rescue mission; on a day the airport was bound to be clogged due to a former president flying in, and at the same time of day I needed to get there. Murphy’s Law never fails to kick in! 

All I can say is never say you aren’t going to do something, because I had fully intended to stay far, far away all points north of my own porch swing. Yet, there I was, in the thick of things, trying to keep my cool and slide in and out quickly without getting bashed or stuck in traffic hell without end. Dear Reader, there was traffic hell, but all things considered, yours truly accomplished a James Bond-worthy grab n’ go at the terminal’s curb, and the quickest getaway possible in the rats’ maze. Bonus: when travel-worn friends with piles of luggage see you pull up in the loading zone, you’re suddenly the most popular person on earth! 

  • Saluda Community Land Trust’s next Walk in the Woods is on August 18 to Green River Cove Trail, along Old Cove Road, which went from Saluda to Green River back in the 1920s. Meet at Saluda Library’s parking lot at 2 p.m. For information, contact the SCLT office at (828) 749-1560 or email
  • Feeling creative? There’s an open stage night on August 18 from 6-8 p.m. at McCreery Park: bring songs, comedy routines, poems, stories, magic tricks, skits or whatever you’d like to share! 
  • Potluck/bingo night at Saluda Center is August 26, 6-8 p.m. Bring a side dish or dessert if you can.
  • The next Community Table dinner is on August 27 from 5:30-7 p.m. at Saluda Center.
  • Mountain Song Chorus is getting ready for its fall season, if you’re a singer 16 or older, join rehearsals each Monday 6:30-8 p.m. at Saluda Center. To learn more or sign up, visit
  • The Saluda Pantry is holding its first annual fundraiser on September 19 at Saluda Inn. Local foods, auctions, and more will raise money to address food insecurity in our community. Advance tickets are available at, Heartwood Gallery, or 10-1 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Pantry (behind Saluda Library). 

Happy August Birthday to B.J. Kent, Paul Stoney, Jen Pace, Zack Pace, Don Mintz, Caroline Tindal, Nora Ward, Samantha Ward, Reeda Ward, Natalie Aabye, Verlie Murphy, Peter Eisenbrown, Coleman Bradley, Ryan Bradley, Libby Archer, Cathy Jackson, Bill Jameson, Tayloe Francisco, Troy McAfee, Patricia Carmichael, Syman Thomas, Jade Burdett, Ron Bennett, Rob Schloss, Evan McGee, and Pat White. 

Feel free to contact me at, (828) 817-6765, P.O. Box 331, Saluda, NC 28773, Facebook, or visit