A message from Steps to H.O.P.E.
Published 12:26 pm Wednesday, March 25, 2020
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Like you, Steps to H.O.P.E. is monitoring news and health department guidance about Covid-19. Every day we are seeing changes, and we want our communities to know the steps we are taking to do our part to keep our clients safe.
As a nonprofit organization, Steps to H.O.P.E. understands the importance of staying open to assist clients and families during a time when so many are being asked to stay home. For the individuals experiencing domestic violence this public health situation can expose additional dangers.
We want you to know we are here if you need us!
As of Friday March 20, we made the decision to postpone reopening our “Second Chance Thrift Store”, which operates with the help of local volunteers. Our volunteers are made up of wonderful individuals who fill their retirement time by helping us help others. We depend on our volunteers and above all, we have to do our part to keep our volunteers healthy. With the closing of the thrift store, we will not be picking up any donations.
If you would like to drop off donations please pull to the back of Steps to H.O.P.E. and our staff will assist you in dropping off donation items. All items will be disinfected before being brought into the building.
Steps to H.O.P.E. Shelter and business office will remain open to meet the needs of our clients. For the safety of our staff and clients living in the shelter, we have taken the following steps to maintain a safe working and living environment:
- All employees and clients are being asked to have their temperature checked and hands sanitized before entering our building.
- Visitors are not allowed in the business office unless they are in need of emergency assistance.
- We are conducting routine cleaning and disinfecting of our building on an ongoing daily basis.
- Practicing social distancing based on the CDC recommendation.
Due to Covid-19, some of our fundraising events and the reopening of our thrift store will be postponed until we are advised it is safe to do so. We are still housing domestic violence and sexual assault victims and their children, which is why we need your help more than ever to ensure we are here when survivors need us the most. We realize shelter clients will need longer housing stays and more in-house resources.
Submitted by BJ Bayne