Columbus police participate in ‘Booze It &Lose It’
Published 6:10 pm Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Columbus Police Department will participate in the Governor’s Highway Safety campaign, “Booze it and Lose it,” during Halloween weekend, October 30 to November 1.
During the campaign, the department will step up patrols and enforcement activities with checkpoints and saturation patrols.
The Columbus Police Department has and will continue to participate in other Governor’s Highway Safety Campaigns throughout the year.
“Booze It & Lose It” is designed to reduce impaired driving injuries, fatalities, & associated economic losses. The “Booze It & Lose It” campaign provides for increased law enforcement efforts and public service messages to accomplish its goal. The intervention targets all drivers who are impaired due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances.
Impaired driving and impaired-related crashes constitute one of the nations leading health problems. These events result in more deaths each year than do total homicides, and alcohol is a factor in 35% of all crashes in the United States.
The Town of Columbus also recommends the following trick or treating safety tips to make your Halloween night enjoyable:
Carry a flashlight with fresh batteries after dark.
Wear identification that’s easy to read.
Always trick or treat in groups, accompanied by an adult.
Follow a curfew and take a watch with a backlight.
Plan your route ahead of time.
Stay on the sidewalks and out of the streets. Cross only at intersections and designated crosswalks.
Walk. No running.
Don’t trample through flower beds and gardens.
Watch out for open flames in jack-o-Lanterns.
Trick or treat in familiar neighborhoods.
Walk with your head up and be aware of your surroundings.
Only visit well lit houses. Don’t stop at dark houses.
Don’t enter any houses unless you know the people.
Don’t approach unfamiliar pets and animals.
Don’t cut across yards and stay out of back yards.
Follow traffic signals and don’t jaywalk.
Always watch for cars backing up or turning.
Review the “stop, drop and roll” procedure in case your costume catches on fire.
Never accept rides from strangers.
Respect other people and their property.
Be polite and say “thank you.”
Don’t eat any candy until it’s inspected for tampering under bright lights.
Avoid candy that has loose wrappings, is unwrapped, has puncture holes, or is homemade.
Small children should not be allowed hard candy they may choke on.
Report any suspicious or criminal activity to an adult or the police.