Pea Ridge Community gathering to take place June 14
Published 8:00 am Saturday, June 2, 2018
The next Pea Ridge community gathering will be Thursday, June 14, at 7 p.m. in the community center, featuring a “Make Believe Breakfast.”
Attendees will enjoy the first ice cream social of the year and hear a guest speaker, Polk County native attorney Alan Leonard.
A collection will be taken to replenish the scholarship fund at the gathering.
Former District Attorney Leonard will share stories as they relate to the Doughboy Statue in Columbus, and the World War 1 volunteers who, in 1938, provided donuts in support of soldiers fighting in Europe as they experienced a shortage of food, causing low morale of the troops.
Those who are unable to bring homemade ice cream can bring donuts, toppings, or fruits and beverage. Ice and paperware will be provided.
The center is located at 207 Big Level Road, 3.5 miles east of Mill Spring, just off Highway 108.
Community recycleables are accepted all day on June 14.
For more information, call Daryl Hardin at 894-8376.
– Submitted by Ann Carswell