New digs for dogs

Published 3:50 pm Thursday, February 8, 2018

Foothills Humane Society has served Polk County and the surrounding area for decades. At some point during those years, an auxiliary building with runs meant to temporarily house dogs brought in by Animal Control was built at a lower elevation. However, because the shelter has been over capacity for an extended period, those runs have been in continual use. The concrete flooring was not poured at a pitch designed to allow water and urine to flow away, so the cement remains damp and unsanitary, causing burns on the flesh of dogs housed in those runs.

Although raised beds are provided to protect them, some of the dogs prefer not to lay on them. During winter months cold air flows down hill and without heat, you can imagine the temperature down there is undesirable. Inspections by local contractors suggest we tear down the old and build a new, enclosed building with heat, air-conditioning, and flooring slanted at the correct pitch.

Preliminary construction plans are being developed to replace that building and the project will be called “New

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Digs for Dogs.” With an increasing influx of pregnant or nursing moms, isolation areas for mothers are badly needed and will be included in the design.

Access to hot water to sterilize food bowls multiple times a day is currently only available in the Dish Room of the main building. Proper sterilization is important for obvious reasons. The addition of hot water will reduce the number of trips staff must make traveling a slippery slope uphill and down to sterilize bowls or retrieve needed supplies.

An adequate storage room will also be included. Staff safety is crucial and time management efficiency will improve, increasing free time needed to properly exercise dogs housed in that building.

During January of this year, harsh temperatures necessitated off site boarding of dogs housed in the shelter’s outdoor runs. The new building with heat will reduce the need for that expenditure.

We invite those considering support of our mission to make this project your preferred charity for the coming year. Click on to donate or you can mail your donation to Foothills Humane Society, PO Box 126, Tryon, NC 28782. Please add the memo “New Digs for Dogs” so your donation is properly applied.

Be a hero for our dogs by donating to this project and we thank you for your generosity and compassion. It will take all of us working together not only to properly care for those animals but to save them, one dog at a time.

Sharon Rose, Columbus, N.C.