St. Luke’s HealthTalk: Diabetes basics and how to support persons with diabetes

Published 9:29 pm Tuesday, November 7, 2017

St. Luke’s Hospital is sponsoring a free HealthTalk on understanding the basics of diabetes and how to be helpful to someone who has this illness. Presented by Melissa Melum, RN, CDE, certified diabetes educator at St. Luke’s, the program will be held Thursday, Nov. 9 from 6–7:30 p.m. in the boardroom at St. Luke’s Hospital.

“Diabetes is a complex and frequently misunderstood illness. The difficulties people experience with diabetes often result in a syndrome called ‘diabetes distress’ which results from challenges from managing the illness, fears about complications, and unsupportive or unhelpful interpersonal relationships. Frequently, well-meaning friends and relatives can increase this stress by taking on the role of ‘food police’ and other similar behavior,” says Melum. “This situation often becomes magnified during the holiday season.”

This program aims to explain the basics of diabetes and diabetes management, and to provide input that will allow for truly helpful support. It is intended for those who have diabetes and their families and friends. Discussion of options for diabetes education and support, as well as diabetes prevention programming, in our community will be included.

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Light refreshments will be served. For more information or to register for the Nov. 9 program, please call 828-894-0944 and leave your name and contact information.

The month of November is nationally recognized as Diabetes Awareness Month. This free program is intended to provide the latest information on treating and managing “diabetes distress.”

– submitted by Kathy Woodham