Volunteer drivers needed
Published 5:30 pm Wednesday, August 2, 2017
“Our Meals on Wheels program is literally ‘volunteer driven’,” said Pam Doty, manager of The Meeting Place Senior Centers. “We rely on an incredible faithful group of drivers to deliver meals to home-bound residents of Polk County.”
Every day, Monday through Friday, meals are prepared, packed and delivered to approximately 100 individuals (the number varies as needs change) living all over Polk County. Volunteer drivers carry routes to the nooks and crannies of Sunny View and Saluda, Pea Ridge and Tryon, Columbus and Green Creek. Meal recipients are spread out all over the place and a lot of driving goes on to meet the need which exists here.
“Due to the rural nature of our county and the distance between meal recipients, we need more drivers,” said Renée Duvall, nutrition coordinator for the meals program. “We need to decrease the time required to get all meals out while they’re hot.”
The task is simple. Pick up meals at The Meeting Place in Columbus or Green Creek or Saluda and deliver them to recipients on a given route and return the empty containers to origination site. It is a commitment of time and travel expense, but the benefits are priceless. Drivers get to check in with some of Polk County’s most endearing, interesting people. They get to make a difference in the lives of these people by allowing them to be independent and remain in their homes as long as is feasible. They get to be the “friendly face” for so many who are alone. And they get the additional benefit of a lovely drive through beautiful Polk County.
If you have some extra time, a reliable vehicle, and a heart for service, call Pam Doty at 894-0001, Donna Carson (Saluda area) at 749-9245, or Julie Jolley (Green Creek) at 863-2795.
– article submitted by Pam Doty