Live@Lanier: Your vacation as photographic art and story
Published 5:37 pm Monday, April 10, 2017
“Where you go on vacation is perhaps not as important as what you experience and bring back. A photo waits in all places and in all things and you can learn to find compelling images and bring back a richer experience to revisit and share,” says Vince Verrecchio, writer/photographer, as his premise for the next Live@Lanier, Tuesday, April 18 at noon.
“Developing a good eye is recognizing and practicing the seven Cs of content, composition, color, contrast, crop, concept, and creativity,” he explains. “Note that camera and computer are not on the list. They are important tools in the digital era, but this is a basic, non-technical program to help anyone turn a vacation into photographic art and story.”
Over more than 45 years in advertising roles that included copywriter, photographer, art director, and creative director, Verrecchio took vacations with camera seriously in hand. Today, lightly retired from his ad agency, he is a frequent contributor to Life in Our Foothills magazine as a writer/photographer and still looks at much of life through a lens.
He will explain the seven Cs with a wide range of his images from a South Dakota prairie to a mountaintop wilderness in British Columbia, a New Jersey beach to an African savanna, history-rich cities to dots on maps; people, animals, places, things, events, perspectives, and impressions.
To bring it all together, you will also see ideas on turning your photographic art into a storybook for coffee table, shelf or gift.
Lanier Library is located at 72 Chestnut Street in Tryon. For more information, call 828-859-9535 or visit
Article submitted by Lanier Library