Not perfect, but worthy of your vote
Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, September 13, 2016
To the editor:
If you do not already think that Donald Trump is an egotistical, undisciplined, narcissistic, sexist, unstable, intellectually void, reckless bully, then read no further.
But if you do agree with most of the above, but still feel uncomfortable voting for Hillary Clinton, please continue.
The “word limit” in this letter prevents me from telling you all that I would like to say about Hillary Clinton, so I will focus on some of what I know personally.
My oldest son was her traveling press secretary in the 2008 Democratic primary, where she lost a very hard fought contest to then Senator Barack Obama, but had some impressive victories along the way. Therefore, my son was with her in good times and bad. Prior to 2008, my son worked for several other presidential candidates as well. He says that Hillary Clinton is the most patient, caring, considerate, kind, smart, understanding, and compassionate boss that he ever had. And I have numerous examples of that.
I personally got to tag along on some of that campaign, and she could not have been nicer to me, even though I had no real role, and was probably in the way most of the time.
My son no longer works for Secretary Clinton or is in politics at all, so I have nothing to gain here. I write only because of my deep respect for Hillary Clinton.
Secretary Clinton is not perfect, and even if you believe that she is the diminished candidate that some have worked so long and hard to create, a vote for anyone other than Hillary Clinton is a vote for Donald Trump. And if you do not vote, you are effectually voting for whoever wins.
Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of Mr. Trump’s bestseller, “The Art of the Deal,” said that “if Trump wins and gets his hands on the nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.” Stack that up against whatever you may think of Hillary Clinton, and answer in which of those worlds do you want your children and grandchildren to live.
Secretary Clinton is the most experienced presidential candidate ever, and I personally think she will make a great President.
~ Jim Carson, Saluda, N.C.