What is the value of our water?
Published 11:57 am Wednesday, September 9, 2015
To the editor:
This is an open letter to each member of the Polk County Board of Commissioners. After many months of meetings and discussions on the forthcoming contract with the ICWD I have yet to see a definitive amount assigned to the value of the asset Polk County brings to the table, mainly the value of our water.
I don’t see how anyone knows if we are getting a fair deal and how you can negotiate in good faith for the citizens of the county on such an important issue as the future of water without this information.
I understand that $10,000 was spent on a previous study that the BOC felt did not produce definitive results. My guess is that either the requirements for the study were not adequately defined by the BOC or the contractor was not fully qualified to determine what was required. That’s water under the bridge, no pun intended.
I believe that further contract negotiations should be put on hold until the BOC and the citizens of Polk County are provided with a comprehensive accounting of the true value of our water. I think it would be prudent for a definitive request for proposal be sent out to a number of qualified consultants for a professional estimate prior to final negotiations with ICWD. This estimate would take into account the cost for and frequency of dredging the lake and dam repair and maintenance, as well as the value for our specific water source. Going forward with a long-term contract is meaningless without this important information.
Based on the above, I ask each of you commissioners to please justify your position on continuing further on this water contract. It seems to me that my suggestion would be the prudent course of action. And from my discussion with a number of concerned citizens the cost for the estimate, taxpayer money, would be money well spent.
I, as well as many other citizens, look forward to each of your responses to my request. I would suggest that a letter response in the Tryon Daily Bulletin might be the best way to reach all concerned citizens. I thank you in advance for your attentiveness and due diligence in this matter.
Karl Kachadoorian
Tryon, N.C.