Western Carolina Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series standings as of Feb. 4
Published 10:13 pm Tuesday, February 17, 2015
After eight of the 17 scheduled events of the 2014-15 Western Carolina Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series, the standings are as follows:
Total number of riders: 490
Field Hunters: 199
Beth Goldizen retains her lead with 46 series points to date.
Paula Moore is gaining ground and has moved into second place with 44 points at this writing.
Rebecca Drumgool and Addison Sama are in third place with 39 series points earned to date.
Sara Riggins and Donna Schwind have moved up to fourth place with 30 points at this time.
Sherry Wyatt has moved into fifth place with 29 series points to date.
Shelle Nelson has 28 points for sixth place at this writing.
Baylis Mitchell is in seventh with a current count of 26 series points.
Irene Backer, Karen Brockway, Elyssa LaRock and Nancy Mason are tied in eighth with 24 points at this writing.
Baiba Bourbeau and Beatrice Lamb have moved up to ninth place with 23 series points.
Emily Mitchell and Elise Rogers are currently tied in tenth place with 21 points apiece.
Amanda Aiello is just out of current placement with a total of 20 series points to date.
Anne Pierce has 19 points to her credit at this writing.
Arlene Lulavage has earned 18 series points to date.
Erin Gambrel has 17 points at this writing.
Irene Backer has a current accumulation of 16 series points.
Ted Andrus has earned 13 points to date.
Susan Wallahora, and Faith and Stephanie Wanicka have each earned 12 points at this writing.
Melissa Champion, Rick Hayden, Donna Jordan, Alicia Sama and Eileen Taylor each have a current count of 11 series points.
Kathy Bethka, Betty Hill, Patti Lovelace, Claire Moore, Lindsey Newsom and Penny Sullivan currently have 10 points apiece.
Ann Fratcher, Joyce Smartt, Julie Souverielle, Claire Summers, Tiffany Swiney and Dorothy Wilson have earned nine series points each.
Sylvia Brown, Lorie Fleenor, Kelly Hart, Brenda McNenny, Gena Meredith, Lyn Owen and Marc and Rachel Sauve have accumulated eight points each at this writing.
Tim Giles and Reed McNutt have each earned seven series points to date.
Anna Dalton, Stephanie Easler, Carla Fullam, Rod Hawk, Judy Heinrich, April Pauley Mink, Anna and Madelon Mostrom, Mary Jane Rice, Reta Robbins, Suzanne Rogers, Cindy Stafford, and Aileen and Allen Wawrzaszek have six points each at this time.
Rebecca Horne, Courtney M. Kuhne, Jane Polk and Sarah Simpson have earned five points each.
Lizz Adkins, Melanie Allen, Sara Borkosky, Sydney Brown, Joanna Cullen, Lisa Duscio, Jan Ellis, Joni Fielding, Eliza and Emelia Fredrick, Elizabeth Gregory, Anna and Emily Hengstmann, Claire Isham, Anna LaVigne, Laura Leonard, Bonnie Lingerfelt, Ashley Martin, Beth McGreger, Carrie Nicholson, Kristen Osgood, Katie Pierce, Jules Porter, Patricia Randall, Amy Shanahan, Madison Waugh and Jillian Woolridge have each earned four points to date.
Benny Jackson and Kelly Rappuchi have earned three series points at this writing.
Two completion points each to: Annie Ager, Pricilla Arthur, Bryan Baire, Lisa Baugh, Victoria Bochynek, Chloe Bosshard, Makayla Bowling, Cindy Boyle, Teresa Musfieldt Brown, Dana Cain, Bryton Champion, Spencer Chriss, Anita Crouse, Judith Crow, Stephanie Culbertson, Janet Cummings, Sarah Davis, Jennifer Evans, Anna Featherston, Isabella Field, Erin Fletcher, Melane Flewelling, Emily Fowler, Suess Fraser, Chloe Freedman, Heather Freeman, Caprice Fullam, Hilary Garrison, Catherine Gillet, Lorin Grimsley, Anitra and Calvin Halford, Anna Harlan, Katie Haseloff, Peg Henneke, Katie Hixson, Kathy Hodge, Emma Claire Hoffman, Daniel Holycross, Autumn Hoyle, Keri-Ann Jenkins, Ines Jennings, Lilly Johnson, Cynthia King, Nancy Kruger, DeeAnn Ladwig, Marsha Lanier, Lillian Lowenfield-Jayne, Anne McIver, Elizabeth McLean, Karen Merrill, Amanda Moffatt, Lisa Moore, Richard and Wendy Newbegin, Stephanie O’Neill, Kaitlyn Owen, Ted Owen, Erin and Reine Pagliano, Lauren Paris, Gail Patton, Harold Pfeiffer, Richard Pierce, Krista Rose, Lisa Ruth, Christine and Jessica Schuett, Stephanie Schulte, Olivia Senar, Debra Shytle, Lauren Smith, Teresa Snyder, C.R, Carol, Kirsten and Thomas Stanley, Andrea Stoll, Jenny Taylor, Debbie Thrasher, Lisa Trojan, Melissa Van Wert, Sheila Veatch, Vicky Vetro, Andrew Von Canon, Julie Walker, Roanne Welsh, Brittany Whitmire, CeeCee Wilmanns, Valerie Wrobel and Stacey Zeabart.
Victoria Bailey, Katie Brichenough, Greg Cumberford, Laura Hunsucker, Marbie Kollath, Megan Lapkoff, Shauna Moore, and Carli and Margret Stiles have each earned one series point for attending and supporting the events, although unable to complete.
Trail Riders: 291
Missy Bright and Jan Smith have broken the tie and moved into the lead with 34 series points earned to date.
Doug and Nicole Cobb are currently in second place with 29 series points earned to date.
Nancy Hasselbring, Donna Searby and Jennifer Smith are currently tied in third place with an accumulation of 28 points apiece.
Alaina Brooks and Tevis Cazedessus and Karen and Richard Peterson are currently tied in fourth place with a count of 27 series points.
David and Donna Taylor are in fifth place with 25 points at this writing.
Cathleen Coggins is in sixth with 24 points earned at this time.
Kristen Hughes remains in seventh with 22 points earned at this writing.
DeAnna Ermson, Debra Kennerly, Eddie and Melissa Van Doren are currently in eighth place with 15 series points to date.
Valerie Quinn is in ninth with a current count of 14 points.
Linda and Wayne Farris currently have tenth place honors with 13 series points.
Bobby Turner and Jean and Marcy Wright have a current count of 12 points apiece.
Melinda O’Duggan, Rachel Sauve and D’Lee Worden have earned 11 points each.
Holly Bacola, Llyn Joset, Mary Helen Martin, Amanda Morfinos, Doreen Simmons and Debbi Stanfield have each earned ten series points to date.
Libby Arnold, Rebecca Barnes, Jennifer Bost, Chris Britton, Peggy McMakin, Anne Schmid, and Rick Webel currently have an accumulation of nine series points each.
Catherine Gillet, Lani Hasselbring and Pam Rider have each earned eight series points to date.
Mary Aoyagi, Bryan Baire, Felicia Duck, Susan Haslam, Sandra Hyder, Liz Johnson, Alex Jordan, Danielle Lamb, Marsha Lanier, Claire B Long, Casey Morris, Ann Ramsey, Debbie Ross, Debbie Shugart, Laurel Watson, and Kris and Rebecca Woodaman have each earned seven series points at this writing.
Samuel Crain, Patricia Dumit, Jan Ellis, Kyle and Michelle Garrison, Julie and Lily Laramie, Kathryn Long, Angela McGehe, Kathy Powell, Sally Rock, Alex Roncati, Shearer Wivdyka and Kris Yon have each earned six series points to date.
Emma and Molly Brockinton, Corinne Driver, Carolyne Groves, Sara and Teresa Lyter, Jessica Myers, Sarah Pursel, Christina Stixrud and Cameron Ward have five points apiece.
Courtney Abrams, Katie Birchenough, Susie Brown, Jackie Burke, Dana Cain, Kelly Cannon, Virginia Chibbaro, Greg Cumberford, Elizabeth Dicey, Sherry Garnes, Liz Heiden, Charles Kalkremter, Kim Kupferer, Linda Lambert, Biddie Lowry, Ronnie Mann, J. Marion Martin, Carrie Nicholson, Patrea Pabst, Mary Pharr, Ditte Phillips, Jules Porter, Martin Powell, Diane Roemer, Jill Slinger, Jennifer R Smith, Carol Stanley, Sara Stickel, Gloria and Vince Verrecchio, and Glenda Wolf have each earned four points to date.
Sherri Dale and Connie Moore have each earned three series points.
Two completion points earned apiece by: Ella and Laura Adams, Annie Ager, David and Jeanne Ahrenholz, Melanie Allen, Christine Altes, Toni Anderson, Ted Andrus, Jodi Bader, Brooke Bailey, Victoria Bailey, Jennifer Bannister, Susan Bargeloh, Lauren and Toni Bergrud, Anna Biork, Shea Black, Madison Borgel, Shaila Bowman, Carrie Brandt, Holly Breaux, Nellie Brennecke, Jason Brickner, Sarah Brillhart, Meredith Brock, Brandy Brown, Katie Burke, Chris Cannon, Candice Carr, Al Caudle, Mary Clarkson, Shannon Cole, Shannon Collins, Paige Cooley, Jeff Crain, Janet Cummings, Katla and Sara Dale, Judi DeBeuf, Jeanette Deney, Robin Derrick, Tera Dudis, Jane and Mark Eden, Kathlyn Edwards, Judy England, Jennifer Evans, Joni Fielding, Loreen Finn, Erin Fletcher, Gale Ford, Suess Fraser, Jennifer Grant, Emily Grimm, Paula Hammond, Gerry, Jack andNish Hartman, Katie Haseloff, Vard Henry, Tara Herrero, Susan Justus Hill, Terral Hill, Emma Claire Hoffman, Kailey Holden, Bruce and Elizabeth Holzschuh, Peggy Horton, Kelsey Hudson, Delene and Laurel Huggins, Russell Hunsinger, Eden Isbell, Lori James, Janada Jay, Ginny Jennings, Libbie Johnson, Kimmy Katzenberger, Anna Kelly, Dana Kind, Fred and Susan Knickerbocker, Peri Lambros, Carol Land, Sandra Larson, Daniel LaVigne, Teresa Lewis, Kathryn Love, Arlene Lulavage, Brian and Carolyn MacCormack, Becca Mann, Misha Marshall, Lauren McCraw, Debbie and Neal McGrath, Rhonda Medlin, Renee Melton-Smith, Cynthia Milligan, Carole Milne, Dot Moyer, Colleen Murphy, Rachel O’Brien, Stephanie O’Neill, Katie Ostrom, Cassie Painter, Jennifer Perkins, Katie Pierce, Jane Patten Polk, Shuler Polk, Susan Pollard, Daniel Pope, Lindsey Pressley, Jamie Price, Charlene and Lily Quinn, Patricia Randall, Mary Schultz Rathbon, Erica Revelle, Suzy Richman, Ellen and Julie Rieth, Janna Ritacco, Elaine Rizzo, Jaime Robertson, Tammy Rollins, Samantha Roubaud, Audrey Salisbury, Pat Salomon, Forrest Samuels, Marc Sauve, Deb Schmitz, Nikki Schweizer, Kylie Simms, Bobby Simpson, Hollin Amelia Smith, C.R., Kirsten and Thomas Stanley, Sara Stepp, Ivey Sumrell, Bette Sumrell-Mann, Alan and J. Taylor, Allen and Jenny Taylor, Pamela Temby, Leslie Threlkeld, Paige Tillison, Lisa Trojan, Heidi and Tom Trull, Lauren Wade, Darcy and Ottis Wagner, Brittany Ward, Cathy Weaver, Audrey Williams, Anita Williamson, David and Hunter Wilson, GeorJeana Worley and Susan Wykel.
Mia and Tristan Dube, Trisha Dunn, Barbara Horne, Susan Huntson, Jennette and Mike Kinsey, Fielding Lowrance and Michelle Stevenson have each earned one series point for attending and supporting the events, although unable to complete.
We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events. Mark your calendars come out and enjoy the day on Sunday, Feb. 22 at Windridge Farm, and on straight through May with a short break for Easter, so be sure to check the schedule and come play with us!
Always remember to check the website WCHPace.org for all upcoming events, news, articles, photos, placements and contact information.
Thank you to our photographer, Lou Smith for being at every event and his assistant, Emma Arcularius, for capturing our riders and their mounts as they fly over jumps, canter through the fields and enjoy the beautiful area trails. Hit “Store” on the website to view the pictures. If you like, you can place an order online.
For information on the Western Carolina Hunter Pace & Trail Ride Series e-mail Series Coordinator, Jan Smith at Jan@WCHPace.org or call Jan at 828-894-8760.
-Reported by Jan Smith