Allow me to blow off some steam
Published 9:10 pm Thursday, October 2, 2014
We’ve had so many changes for the better since I began my crusade some eight years ago. Rescues are working together, a whole community lending moral and financial support for the animals and vets working with FHS and other programs. We still have some pockets in our community which, sad to say, shouldn’t even have animals due to the cruel indifference with which they are treated.
I used to make excuses, thinking that people are just ignorant of the fact and are used to generations of a certain way of life, I’m all for that way of life and will defend it with my dying breath, but there is too much information out there for an animal to suffer due to ignorance or indifference. My article “Who’s fault is it?” won an award touching on this very subject and I strongly feel that laws must be written and enforced to alleviate the problem.
Last week while visiting our Foothills Humane Society shelter to see how sweet Isaac was doing before his operation, Lani introduced me to Schnitzel and her five pups. I was told where Schnitzel was brought in from and I am very familiar with the area.
Schnitzel is a white Shepherd, not much more than a year old and her body was so full of scabies (mite mange) that you see more pink skin than white fur. She is small for her breed and of course, extremely malnourished. These mites are part of nature and live on all dogs and only become active when a dog’s immune system is weakened, due to neglect and improper feeding. The five pups also carried the mange and looked like little possums and most certainly were suffering. One little pup was the brave one and would come out when momma came to greet someone. Lani grew a special liking for him and told me so.
Working around these animals so often, the FHS staff can’t help but have favorites now and then and the brave ones melt our hearts the most. Gazing upon this group I went through a whole gamut of emotions led by anger, frustration and pity. I actually cried out and Lani tried to sooth me by telling me they are being bathed daily and are getting proper foods and meds.
When I went back to visit a few days ago I learned that our brave little pup didn’t make it and my dear friend Lani was devastated. Please pray for the staff at FHS and all who do rescue work with animals, believe me the things we see and endure weigh heavily on our hearts.
The other four pups, three girls and another boy, are beginning to thrive along with momma. It will take a long while with lots of care and love to make this right and although I know we can’t win them all, by God, we are going to win this one.
Thanks for listening.