Columbus Lions updated on 2-1-1 services
Published 9:28 pm Wednesday, February 12, 2014
June Beddingfield recently made a return appearance to update the Columbus Lions on 2-1-1 Service.
This service is available to all Polk County residents simply by dialing 211 on their phones.
Any questions regarding available services such as health care, job training, substance abuse, seniors, volunteer opportunities, food, housing and utilities will be answered.
The service is free, confidential, and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and in any language. In the western district of North Carolina, nearly 54,000 calls were answered by the end of 2013.
Housing, utilities and transportation were the subject of the most calls. The Columbus Lions meet on the first and third Thursdays at Calvert’s Kitchen in Columbus. Those interested in giving back to their community through volunteer work are encouraged to visit.
For information, call Lion President Fran Goodwin, 828- 894-2505.
– article submitted by Helen Trevathan