Time to get rid of elites

Published 6:40 pm Wednesday, January 8, 2014

To the editor:

Obamacare is sinking.

Any idea that there are computers and bureaucrats that can organize and oversee health care for 300 million Americans that will have a good outcome is delusional.

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Every Democrat up for re-election says that it is not working out.

Change of mind? Change of heart? Neither.

Campaign rhetoric. Re-elect them and back in Washington Harry will say “Get back in line, or else” and they will.

Time to get rid of elites (Ds and Rs) who care only for their position and their “lobster salad” lunches paid for by us.

Lindsey Graham said once that he was in favor of “principled compromise.” Hasn’t said it lately, though.

Principles that you compromise aren’t principles at all. I suspect that he and others run different ads in different parts of their states like upstate and down-state S.C.

Finally, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan, “some Americans think that every day is July 4th, others think that every day is April 15th.”

– Bob Neubauer, Tryon