Bosien named to Second Wind Hall of Fame

Published 10:16 am Friday, August 10, 2012

Fred Foy, St. Luke’s Hospital board chairman, with Dr. Marian Bosien. (photo submitted by Jennifer Wilson)

Dr. Marian Bosien thought she had been invited to a dinner and reunion of former St. Luke’s Hospital Board of Trustee members, but for Bosien, a longtime community volunteer, it became a date to remember.
In a surprise ceremony complete with daughter, Cindy, son, Tim and friends from Tryon Estates, Bosien was awarded membership into the Second Wind Hall of Fame for her service to this community.
The Second Wind Hall of Fame honors retirees for outstanding service to their community. To be nominated for Second Wind membership, a person must be retired, at least 60 years old and have volunteered in three different Thermal Belt organizations for at least three years. More than 170 current resident volunteers of the Thermal Belt area have been inducted into the Second Wind Hall of Fame.
With a framed award from the Second Wind Hall of Fame, members of the St. Luke’s Hospital Board celebrated in honor of Bosien. Fred Foy, chairman of the St. Luke’s Board, presented the award.
“Dr. Bosien has given countless hours to St. Luke’s Hospital,” said Foy. “She has remained active in our community through her church, the hospital, Hospice, her political activism and hands-on service for those less fortunate.”
Providing anesthesiology services until her retirement, Bosien served the following agencies:
• St. Luke’s Hospital Board of Trustees from 1984 – 1992
• Hospice of the Carolina Foothills Board of Directors from 1984 – 1985
• Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry, supervising the food pantry, from 2002 – 2009
• American Association of University Women from 1994 – present
• Congregational Church from 1954 – present
She also remains active with the Polk Democratic Party.
Bosien graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in 1944, moved to Tryon 10 years later and worked with her husband, Dr. William Bosien, to open and expand Tryon Medical Associates to meet the healthcare needs of Polk County.
– article submitted by Jennifer Wilson

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