Appreciation for recent column

Published 12:41 pm Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Just a quick note regarding Larry McDermott’s piece in the Tryon Daily Bulletin titled “Small-town government survives on democracy.”

First, just to observe what a fine piece of writing it was. Newspapers still do it best.

There was much to appreciate in his column, but the sentence that will linger was this: “Although the area needs affordable housing, the Quartz homes will not be in that category.”

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You may be wondering what I’m doing reading the Tryon paper. Back in 2014, I bought a Ford Flex from your Ford dealership through the power of the interwebs. Nice folks; they personally drove it down here to Atlantic Beach to deliver. So the town stayed in my memory, and now we’re considering a move from our beach Shangri-la, to higher ground. 

Again, bravo on the piece. The central theme of democracy was masterfully drawn out, and it was a joy to read. Good writing endures.  


Eric B. Geller

Jacksonville Beach, FL