Java dreams and guilty glances

Published 10:14 am Friday, August 30, 2024

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Heart melodies

That I may wrap them

In a blue cloud-cloth

Away from the too-rough fingers

Of the world.

~ Langston Hughes, “The Dream Keeper” 


Well, Dear Reader, it’s happened again. Over the years, you know I’ve cheated on loyal Mr. Coffee, admitted my transgressions with other coffee pots, then gone back time and time again to him. You’ve heard this story before. Just call me a repeat offender! The girl can’t help it, just as Little Richard used to sing. 

Am I so easily swayed by flashy looks, beckoning promises of the perfect cup of java, dreams of a spiffy new companion hanging around on the kitchen counter? Perhaps not so easily, but now and then, the current Mr. Coffee loses a few perks. His base plate wears out, and he gets a bit shabby. Then, those thoughts start to percolate in the coffee steam.

This time, I strayed big time. My love of color won out. But I put my well-worn old friend on top of the refrigerator (instead of the ole’ heave-ho into the trash bin). Way up there, perched on his high lonesome hill, Mr. Coffee looks down over the kitchen, out toward the porch swing, longing for me to return. How can a silent coffee pot cause such guilt? Not a word, just that omnipresent stare, that pitiful look of an abandoned dog looking for his people. 

In his stead, there’s a powder-blue one-serving Keurig K-Mini Plus. It’s much prettier (that soft blue!), quickly cleaned, hot brew, if not as tasty. Maybe I should apply for a job at Consumer Reports on comparison notes? Somehow, I actually MISS the morning song of a coffee pot, the extra bit of patience about waiting, a bigger cup of coffee with richer/full taste, with a little extra just in case. Hotshot Mr. Keurig’s in a hurry; sweet and simple Mr. Coffee just seems more in-depth. 

The jury’s still out on the new-fangled machine, but now and then, I peek guiltily at sad Mr. Coffee stilling there, high and lonesome, just waiting for me to come back to him one more time. Oh, the temptation! 

Isn’t the grass always greener (and the sky more powder blue) on the other side of the fence? 


  • Saluda Community Land Trust’s next Walks in the Woods will be at Henry’s Nature Center on September 1. This special hike includes an old home place, woods and trails, native plants added by volunteers, and the new Pavilion honoring Henry Cart, a boy who loved to explore the woods of Saluda. On September 15, the hike is to the Over Mountain Trail. Meet at Saluda Library’s parking lot at 2 p.m.; for information, contact the SCLT office at (828) 749-1560 or email
  • Want to learn about the Saluda Grade and Ecusta rails-to-trails projects? On September 18, 2-3 p.m. at Saluda Center, Pam Torlina, Conserving Carolina’s Community Engagement Director, will be on hand to answer questions and discuss projects that will boost conservation and recreation right here in Saluda. 
  • Keep in mind that our non-profit Saluda Pantry is having its first annual fundraiser to raise money to address food insecurity in our community on September 19 at Saluda Inn. The event will feature local foods, live and silent auctions, and much more. Advance tickets are available at, Heartwood Gallery, or 10-1 p.m. on Tuesdays at the Pantry (behind Saluda Library at Saluda Presbyterian Church). 

Happy belated birthday wishes to Terry Baisden and Hartmut Veil! 


Feel free to contact me at, (828) 817-6765, P.O. Box 331, Saluda, NC 28773, Facebook, or visit