IRS warns about scams targeting North Carolina seniors

Published 11:03 am Friday, June 21, 2024

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As part of a continuing effort to protect the senior community, the Internal Revenue Service recently issued a warning about the rising threat of impersonation scams.

These scams are targeting older adults in North Carolina by pretending to be government officials, aiming to steal sensitive personal information and money. By posing as representatives from agencies such as the IRS, or other government agencies, these fraudsters use fear and deceit to exploit their victims.

“Scammers often target seniors, attempting to steal personal information through phone calls, emails or text messages by pretending to be from the IRS or other agencies or businesses,” said IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel. “Preventing these types of scams requires assistance from many different places. By partnering with other federal agencies and others in the tax community, we can reach more seniors and other taxpayers to help protect them against these terrible scams.”

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The warning was issued as part of a wider effort last week leading up to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on Saturday, June 15. The special day of awareness, observed since June 15, 2006, aims to foster a better understanding of the neglect and abuse faced by millions of older adults, focusing attention on the contributing cultural, social, economic and demographic factors.

The IRS also has been engaged in long-term efforts to protect against scams and other related schemes, including identity theft. This has been an ongoing focus of the Security Summit partnership between the IRS, state tax agencies and the nation’s tax professional community since 2015.