Good things are happening

Published 2:14 pm Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Before I get into what is going on right now, I want to give a shout-out to all my angels and super angels. Nearly $10,000 was spent from the Lennie’s Kids fund last month, and thanks to these wonderful people, I’m better than halfway back. 

I did have to turn down a case from a wonderful young lady that will be $4,600. I told her I have another major case on the 28th (Lexi’s other knee), and if I raise other funds, I’ll help where I can.  

Unfortunately, as I’ve often said, “There are just too many wounds and not enough band-aids.”  

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All in all, money has been spent wisely except for losing poor little Haley. Scratch is thriving in a wonderful rescue with six other dogs. I’ve heard he’s a happy puppy, and he will get into the right home from this rescue. 

Lexi is healing wonderfully, and I learned during a lunch with Verna (Forever Dream Sanctuary) that she’s happy and full of herself. Lexi was born with her knee disorder and is walking normally for the first time. Her other knee is even worse, and if it cannot be mended, we may have to take the leg. I hope not, but either way, she’ll be much happier with life.

The reason for my lunch with Verna was about one of her wards, a 12 or 14-year-old Poodle whose owner had passed away.

Josh Goldstein (Dogwood Farms) informed me of an older lady who lives in White Oak who lost her little Yorkipoo. I had met this lady many years earlier, and believe me, I could write a biography on her life. After seeing that all the ducks were in a row, I contacted her and told her that Coco (the Poodle) was available to her if she was interested.  

She is very excited about the possibility, and phone numbers have been passed with the promise that I’ll be informed. I’m keeping my fingers crossed; a case like this is just the most beautiful thing I could think of.

I hope to give you more information in the future. Until then, God bless, and thanks for listening.

Lexi was born with a knee disorder, but is now walking normally for the first time.

Leonard Rizzo is the founder of Lennie’s Kids, a nonprofit organization that helps sick and injured animals in the foothills, promotes animal welfare, and works to find homes for pets.