Landrum Garden Club
Published 9:49 pm Monday, October 21, 2019
The Landrum Garden meeting was October 17, 2019 at the home of Joan Barker. At the meeting, the group celebrated with a fall luncheon of chili, all the fixing and wonderful desserts. We are grateful to her and enjoyed visiting her home that is filled with paintings, antiques and garden art.
Mosaics and the methods used in the past that can be seen in cathedrals and homes in Europe were mentioned. Joan presented some methods to create mosaics from fine stone and colored glass pieces. The presentation was clear, practical and inviting to those of us who have never created a mosaic. She
provided brochures and samples to encourage our development of creativity.
Joan demonstrated creating glass mosaics on flower pots and lids from cans. Tile cement, grout that is black, adhesives, and the selection of colored glass was discussed. She has developed her artistic talents over the years and as a instructor she clearly presented decorative art and the materials needed to express one’s artistic gifts. She filled with knowledge and skills that are an asset in the community.
The garden was abundant with wandering Jew, a fish pond, fig trees and many other plants that had richly composted soil. There were decorative mobiles on the frame of an outdoor umbrella and colorful singing bottles. The cut glass she has collected over the years was visible and is available as she works outdoors and indoors.
The Club continued to discuss the needs of the community as we plan for the holidays. Service projects of planting and painting were discussed and voted upon.
Landrum Garden Club meets monthly to provide support to gardeners, to bring awareness of community needs, and to increase awareness one of how to care for the earth. The meet once a month, usually on the third Thursday of the month.
Submitted by Jane Gay