Get an up close update at Pearson’s Falls 

Published 12:53 pm Tuesday, April 30, 2019

On Wednesday, May 1, you can be part of an insider tour of Pearson’s Falls. Gatekeeper Andy Ruff hikes to the falls every morning before the park opens to be sure all is in order. On May 1st you can walk along with Andy and learn what happens early in the mornings and Andy will point out flowers and features people may not notice along the trail.  


Andy grew up in Landrum, graduated and served in the army for six years. Then he worked for 19 years in Facilities Management. Five years ago he decided on a career change and came to Pearson’s Falls as Gatekeeper. Pearson’s Falls Botanical Park is so fortunate as Andy is friendly, knowledgeable, skilled at working with people and solving problems, and puts in many hours maintaining Pearson’s Falls trails and stream banks as well.  

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Pearson’s Falls is located at 2748 Pearson’s Falls Road, Saluda, NC. Follow the signs on Highway 176 North from Tryon or South from Saluda. 


– Submitted by Lucy Brannon